Veröffentlichungen von Dr. Robin Hieblinger
- Psychologie Studium, Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie
Diplomarbeit (2003)
Thema: Fibromyalgia and Depression
- Doktorarbeit (2012)
Thema: The Essence of Health and Disability in Patients with Chronic Widespread Pain
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen als Erstautorin:
- Validation of the ICF Core Set for Chronic Widespread Pain from the Perspective of Fibromyalgia Patients. veröffentlicht in: Arthritis Research and Therapy, 2009 11(3) pR67
- Identification of Essential Elements of Functioning in Chronic Widespread Pain Based on a Statistical Approach. veröffentlicht in: The American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dezember 2011
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen als Co-Autorin:
- Spirituality and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: content comparison of questionnaires measuring mindfulness based on the International Classification of Functioning.
Martin Offenbächer, Sebastian Sauer, Robin Hieblinger, David J Hufford, Harald Walach, Niko Kohls
Disability and Rehabilitation 04/2011;33(25-26)2434-45.
- Similar Problem in the Activities of Daily Living but Different Experience: A Qualitative Analysis in Six Rheumatic Conditions and Eight European Countries.
Tanja Stamm, Robin Hieblinger, Carina Boström, Carina Mihai,Fraser Birrell, Carina Thorstensson, Veronika Fialka-Moser, Silvia Meriaux-Kratochvila, Josef Smolen, Michaela Coenen
Musculoskeletal Care 01/2013
- Pain is not the major determinant of quality of life in fibromyalgia: results from a retrospective "real world" data analysis of fibromyalgia patient
Martin Offenbaecher 1 2, Niko Kohls 3, Thomas Ewert 4, Claudia Sigl 5, Robin Hieblinger 5, Loren L Toussaint 6, Fuschia Sirois 7, Jameson Hirsch 8, Miguel A Vallejo 9, Sybille Kramer 5, Javier Rivera 10, Gerold Stucki 11, Jörg Schelling 12, Andreas Winkelmann 5
Rheumatology International 2021 Nov;41(11)